Event Details

Navigating iMpact for Academic&Career Success; Start Your Resume
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Tauber Colloquium
Tauber Colloquium Coat Room
Tauber Colloquium Elevator Lobby
Tauber Colloquium Hallway

Save yourself time and frustration by coming to this session to learn where to find valuable information on iMpact for your academic and career planning and success. Learn where to find important academic resources to help you plan and track your BBA degree and ensure you aren't missing any unique course opportunities. Get hands-on training in how to navigate the iMpact Career tab to find valuable resources for your career search, such as making career counseling appointments, accessing career search guides, identifying BBA students and alumni for networking purposes, and more. You will also learn how to start building your iMpact profile and begin creating the EDUCATION section of your Ross iMpact resume.

Sponsor:Ross Career Development Office
Speakers:Dwana Jones
Contact:Betsy Dooley
Audience:Staff, BBA Sophomore
Career Interest:None specified
Web Tags:Workshop