Career Paths:
Consulting (Content-Specific), Corporate Finance (Content-Specific), General Management (Content-Specific), Investment Banking (Content-Specific), Operations (General Skills)
STEM (Foundational)
Course Prerequisites:
(Ross Graduate Standing) and (No credit in ACC 712)
Advisory Prerequisites:
ACC 564 - non-mandatory but strongly suggested
Financial Statement Analysis I --- This course provides a systematic framework for using financial statements in business analyses. It considers a comprehensive set of tools to analyze the information contained in financial statements and demonstrates how to use the information to evaluate financial performance. It addresses questions such as: (1) how do operating and financial decisions contribute to a firm's return, (2) why does firm performance differ between competitors, (3) has the firm distorted the accounting numbers and how will this influence reported performance, and (4) how does the financial performance today predict future events, such as credit default.