Course Descriptions

While the business school endeavors to offer as many of the courses as possible, not all courses are offered every semester, and some courses may not be offered due to staff availability. It is important to check Wolverine Access prior to registering for classes to determine availability of courses for any given semester.

You may find the syllabi from previous academic years by going to the Kresge Library Syllabi Archive.

Courses Found: 28
Course #Course TitleTypeCredit HrsWinter 25
MO 302Positively Leading People and OrganizationsCore3 hoursW25
MO 321Leadership in OrganizationsElective3 hoursW25
MO 330InterMission - An Action-Learning ExpeditionElective3 hoursW25
MO 399Independent Study ProjectElective1 - 3 hoursW25
MO 410Collective IntelligenceElective3 hoursW25
MO 412Negotiation Strategy Elective3 hoursW25
MO 437Professional Capstone: Leading from Any Seat Elective3 hoursW25
MO 440Building Healthy BusinessElective1.5 hoursW25(A)
MO 455The Science of Flourishing at Work and BeyondElective3 hoursW25(A)
MO 512Bargaining and Influence Skills --- Negotiation Strategy in a Global EconomyElective2.25 hoursW25(A)
MO 533Leading People and Organizations Core2.25 hoursW25(B)
MO 555The Science of Flourishing at Work and BeyondElective3 hoursW25(A)
MO 605Leading Inclusive, High Performing Organizations Elective1.5 hoursW25(A)
MO 611Business Leadership in Changing TimesElective1.5 hoursW25(B)
MO 619Incentives & ProductivityElective2.25 hoursW25(A)
MO 625Leadership Coaching PracticumElective3 hoursW25
MO 635Management as a Calling Elective1.5 hoursW25
MO 640Building Healthy BusinessElective1.5 hoursW25(A)
MO 680Reexamining Capitalism Elective1.5 hoursW25(B)
MO 712Bargaining and Influence Skills Elective2.25 hoursW25(B)
MO 730Leading Diverse Teams and Organizations: A DEI Toolkit Elective1.5 hoursW25(B)
MO 750Independent Study ProjectElective1 - 3 hoursW25
MO 840Seminar in Organizational Studies Elective1 - 4 hoursW25
MO 899Doctoral Seminar in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management 3 hoursW25 W25(B)
MO 900Special Research for Doctoral Applicants & Candidates 1 - 6 hoursW25
MO 990Dissertation - Precandidacy 1 - 8 hoursW25
MO 995Dissertation - Candidacy 4 - 8 hoursW25
MO 998Doc Prog Intern  1 hoursW25