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Michigan Energy Futures II 

8:45 AM–9:15 AM  Networking and Coffee, Blau Auditorium Reception Area

9:15 AM–9:30 AM  Welcome, Blau Auditorium - Andrew Hoffman, Director, Erb Institute, Ross School of Business/SNRE, University of Michigan

9:30 AM–9:45 AM  Visioning - Tom Catania, Erb Institute, Ross School of Business 

9:45 AM–10:00 AM  Introduction of Janet McCabe - Dennis Dobbs, Vice President of Generation Engineering and Services, Consumers Energy

10:00 AM–10:45 AM  Opening Keynote and Dialogue - What does the Clean Power Plan mean for Michigan and the nation?

Janet McCabe, Acting Assistant Administrator, Office for Air and Radiation, EPA

10:45 AM–11:00 AM  Networking Break

11:00 AM–12:15 PM  Panel I:  Energy Supplies in Transition

What are the energy resources that will meet future generation demand and the expectations of customers, business, industry and investors? How will future federal regulatory action and carbon concerns influence the energy mix and deployment of energy resources? Integrating variable energy resources: How big a challenge? What will energy resources will power Michigan in 2025?

  • John DiDonato , Vice President of Development, NextEra Energy Resources
  • Robin Newmark, Associate Lab Director, Energy Analysis and Decision Support, NREL
  • Gregory Ioanidis, President, ITC Michigan
  • Dennis Dobbs, Vice President of Generation Engineering and Services, Consumers Energy

Moderator - Mark Barteau, U-M Energy Institute Director

12:30 PM–1:45 PM  Lunch and Keynote, 6th Floor Colloquium

Dean Alison Davis-Blake, Ross School of Business, to introduce Senator Bayh

Senator Evan Bayh, Former US Senator and Governor of Indiana

1:45 PM–3:00 PM  Panel II:  Changing Utility Business Model, 6th Floor Colloquium

What energy supplies and services will energy providers deliver that will meet energy demand, improve reliability and resiliency, reward shareholders, and protect the environment? Who will provide and manage a platform of services that better align with future market trends and customer needs?

  • John Caldwell, Director of Economics, Edison Electric Institute
  • Lisa Frantzis, Senior Vice President, Strategy and Corporate Development, Advanced Energy Economy
  • Ron Binz, Principal, Public Policy Consulting

Moderator - TBA

3:00 PM–4:10 PM  Panel III:  Evolving Regulatory Frameworks

How do we keep Michigan’s energy affordable, reliable, flexible and protecting of the environment? Do we need to broadly decouple revenue from utility sales? What is the future of traditional rate-of-return, cost of service rate making? What is the appropriate model to value utility performance?

  • Ron Binz, (redux) former Chairman of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission
  • Sonia Aggarwal, Director of Strategy, Energy Innovation
  • State Senator John Proos, Representing Michigan's 21st  District
  • John Quackenbush, Chairman, Michigan Public Service Commission

​Moderator - Greg White, Michigan Public Service Commissioner

4:10 PM–4:20 PM  Short Break to reset room and assemble Mass Panel

4:20 PM–5:30 PM  Panel IV:  Integrating and Moving Forward
All invited speakers to join a panel in the round to discuss common themes reoccurring during the day and take participant questions.

Moderator - Andrew Hoffman, Director, Erb Institute

5:30 PM–6:30 PM  Reception


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