Event Details

The Final Countdown: Preparing for MBA/MAcc Graduation
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Your final semester is just around the corner! Attend this workshop to make the most of academic opportunities available in your last term as a full-time MBA/MAcc.

MBA/MAcc Academic Advisors will share tips for: reviewing your degree requirements, applying for graduation and preparing to participate in commencement, selecting electives that add value, and bidding and registering for Winter 2013 courses.

This workshop is designed for full-time MBA2 and MAcc students.
Sponsor:Ross Registrar's Office
Contact:Katrina Vegter
Audience:All Current Students, Full-time MBA: Second Year, MAcc, Evening MBA: CDO Fulltime Registered, Weekend MBA: Second Year
Career Interest:None specified
Web Tags:Workshop