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Spotlight! Team Project Showcase & 
Scholarship Competition and Events

September 13, 2019 | Sheraton Ann Arbor, 3600 Boardwalk Ave, Ann Arbor

New solutions for tough operations challenges took center stage at the Tauber Institute for Global Operations' 2019 Spotlight! Team Project Showcase and Scholarship Competition, September 13 at the Ann Arbor Sheraton. Initial sponsoring company calculations indicate the 2019 Tauber team projects resulted in averaged $30 million per project savings over three years. The projected savings total is $390.3 million.

Spotlight! is an annual competitive presentation of operations solutions developed by Tauber Institute student teams during their 14-week team projects at 16 top global companies. At 2019 Spotlight!, Tauber's student teams showcased their project results and competed for academic scholarships. A panel of distinguished judges from diverse industries selected the first, second, and third prize winners among the 21 student teams.

First Place: Tauber Team Ford
Charlie Manzoni (MBA) and Hiroki Tanaka (MBA)

Second Place: Tauber Team General Electric
Federico Kulyckyj (EGL BSE/MSE Data Science), Mitali Linge (MSE-IOE), and Jacob Siddall (MBA)

Third Place: Tauber Team Pfizer Clinical Manufacturing
Andres Fuentes-Afflick (MBA) and Jason Ji (EGL BSE-Che/MSE-IOE)

Spotlight! event photos
2019 Tauber team project on-site student photos
2019 Spotlight! event book with project summaries

Searchable database of past Tauber team projects

Register for 2020 >



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